RUR Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Oh, we thought that Marius and Sulla were lovers. (prologue.171)

This is the one moment in the play where Helena knows more than… well, really than anybody. Domin thinks Marius and Sulla were lovers, but really they were opposing Roman generals. The suggestion is that Domin doesn't know anything about love—and maybe that he doesn't know as much as he thinks about violence and power either.

Quote #2

Oh, I thought that… if someone were to show them a bit of love— (prologue.266)

Helena has faith in love. It can change robots! And it can change robots, just not yet. Otherwise the play would be over too soon.

Quote #3

DOMIN: There's a certain demand, you see? Waitresses, shop-girls, secretaries—it's what people are used to.

HELENA: Then… then tell me, are the male Robots… and the female Robots simply… simply….

DOMIN: Simply indifferent to each other dear Miss Glory. They don't exhibit even traces of attraction.

HELENA: Oh, that is d-r-readful! (prologue.350-352)

The robots cannot love; they exhibit no traces of attraction. Helena thinks that's horrible (though, are you horrified that your computer doesn't fall in love with another computer?). Helena is confusing machines for people. Though, that confusion seems intentional, since Domin says they make female robots to perform jobs associated with women. The robots are supposed to fulfill sexist expectations without having any desire of their own. Yeah, that is somewhat dreadful when you think about it.