Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre Gossip

All the juicy facts. XOXO Gossip Shmoop.

Sartre had a major love of amphetamines, which induced some gnarly hallucinations. (Source.)

Sartre was a big-time womanizer who liked to hang out with male friends who agreed to go cruising for chicks. Classy, no? No. (Source.)

A year before his death in 1980, Sartre was blind, ugly, and totally reliant on others to feed and sustain him—but he still was bragging about all the ladies in his life. Once a womanizer, always a womanizer, we guess. (Source.)

When Sartre signed the Manifesto of 121 (which called for Algerian independence, and declared that any French soldiers who didn't want to fight be let off the proverbial hook), 5,000 ticked off war veterans took to the streets, chanting "Shoot Sartre!" (Source.)

If you're hungry for more JPS, check out his twitter, which is full of nuggets of wisdom in a French accent.