Fish Beaumont Timeline and Summary


Fish Beaumont Timeline and Summary

  • The appearance of Fish's savvy—the ability to create storms—causes a hurricane (oops) and the Beaumonts move to the border of Kansas and Nebraska. Pretty much as far away from water as they can get.
  • Fish no longer goes to school because, really, who knows what he might do with his savvy?
  • With Poppa in the hospital, and Momma and Rocket looking after him, Fish reluctantly agrees to stowaway with Mibs and the gang as they head to Salina.
  • Along the way, Fish trips up, gets mad, and accidently uses his savvy around the other kids, making them suspicious.
  • Feeling the need to protect Mibs, Fish uses his savvy to create a windshield in front of her, to keep Will Junior and Bobbi away. In a near accident, Fish realizes that he has the ability to control the wind and can now scumble his savvy.
  • Fish reminds Mibs that she can communicate with Poppa through his tattoo.
  • A year later, Fish has enough control over his savvy that he can return to school in the fall.