Serena Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


If you're looking for steamy details, you've come to the wrong place. Sure, there's plenty of sex in Serena, but most of the time, we're given the quick and dirty details in the middle of other drama. In fact, one time all we get is "after they'd coupled" (12.27) and we're supposed to fill in the blanks from there.

Still, there are a few times we're given juicier details. Take this one, for example:

Pemberton knew Serena was waiting for him to come and press his chest against her back, cup her breasts in his hands, feel her nipples harden against his palms as her hips pushed into his groin, her mouth turning to meet his. (30.42)

The interesting thing here is that Pemberton and Serena don't actually sleep together in this scene—Pemberton only explains what he knows Serena wants, not what she gets.

If you think about it, most of the sex scenes are about characterizing Serena for us. We learn about her assertiveness and comfort in her own skin during these scenes, and we're also told how unusual this behavior is for a woman during this time.