Seven Samurai Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do the samurai agree to take the job? What do they hope to gain?
  2. Why is Kikuchiyo (Toshiro Mifune) so determined to become a samurai? What Japanese traditions is he violating by doing so?
  3. What drives the main characters here? Is it just survival or is there some greater principle at work?
  4. How do the samurai handle possible betrayal by the farmers? What does this say about them? About the farmers?
  5. How much of this story feels like a Western?
  6. Conversely how much of it have you seen in later American and European movies?
  7. What time period does this movie take place in? How does that inform the story?
  8. What kinds of social castes exist in the movie? In what ways are they upheld? In what ways are they violated?