Sideways Stories From Wayside School Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The other two Erics were fat, and so everyone just thought that all the Erics were fat. (22.2)

In the chapter about the three Erics, Sachar writes some very sly commentary about how people tend to make generalizations based on appearances. Even though Eric Bacon is the skinniest kid in class, everyone thinks he's fat because the other two Erics are.

Quote #5

Allison was very pretty, so all the boys in Mrs. Jewls's class teased her, especially Jason. But Allison said, "Leave me alone or I'll knock your teeth out—like I did Rondi's." The boys didn't bother her after that. (23.2)

At Wayside, sometimes the sweet and pretty girls are teased for being sweet and pretty. Allison isn't the only girl who stands up for herself—Maurecia, also pretty, is described as being able to beat up any boy in the class. For these girls, pretty doesn't mean weak, does it?

Quote #6

Of course, his hair was still green. It always was. (29.44)

Here's a good example of how this book uses appearances in a comedic way—Sachar makes us think Stephen's green hair is for his costume, but really Stephen's hair is just green. This is the very funny punch line to Stephen's story.