The Sign of the Beaver Resources


Survival Snares

You're lost, out of food, and about to starve. Time to be like Matt and Attean and build your own snares.

Penobscots Today

Head to this site to find out what's happening in the Penobscot Indian Nation today.

Experience the Culture

Want to learn more about the Penobscot Indian culture? This is the place to go.

It's Not the French Versus the Indians...

Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why were the groups fighting? Find out answers to these questions, and more.

Writing a Lesson Plan?

Here are some ideas for you.

Movie or TV Productions

Keeping the Promise

Though they changed the name, Keeping the Promise is the movie version of The Sign of the Beaver. Which title do you think fits best?

Articles and Interviews

R.I.P. Elizabeth George Speare

Learn about Speare's life and the reason she chose historical fiction in this tribute to her life.


Um... Not Quite

Check out this trailer for a movie version of the novel that seems to take a whole lot of liberties with the characters and plot.


Puppy Pictures

Okay, the author, Elizabeth George Speare, is in the picture as well.

Check Out Those Abs

Here's one of the original book covers for the novel.

The Bear Takes Center Stage

On this cover, it's all about the bear.