Fear Quotes in Silence

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

On one hand he did not want to lose his reputation as a good Christian; and yet in his little head he was thinking furiously of a way to preserve his life. (4.30)

Although Kichijiro has become a respected member of the village, that hasn't made him any more comfortable in his own skin. Here we see an amazing contradiction: a so-called "good Christian" who doesn't want to do the things that "good Christians" do. It's hard to blame him, though, given that the choice is frequently between life and death.

Quote #5

This time it was not a ferocious-looking samurai on horseback who came but an old samurai with smiling face. (4.32)

The Japanese government is highly skilled in the art of intimidation. They know that it isn't always about big burly dudes and threats of violence. Sometimes it's about making your victims comfortable before snatching it all away.

Quote #6

Fear that they too would eventually be subjected to the same investigation gripped the people, and almost no one went into the fields to work. (4.67)

As you can see, the samurai's investigation strikes terror into the hearts of the villagers. These people have felt the iron fist of the samurai before and aren't eager to feel it again—no matter how many assurances Rodrigues gives them. Can you really blame them?