Minor Characters

Character Analysis

Lola Osbourne

Lola is an actress and Carrie's friend, and the two eventually become roommates.

Jessica Hurstwood

Jessica is Hurstwood's teenage daughter. She's kind of a spoiled brat, obsessed with clothes and being popular. Hurstwood feels pretty disconnected from her, despite having once felt closer.

George Hurstwood

George Hurstwood Jr. is Hurstwood's son. At twenty years old, George is getting his career in real-estate going and still lives at home, rent-free. Hurstwood feels increasingly disconnected from him. 

Mr. Vance

Mr. Vance is one of Carrie and Hurstwood's neighbors in NYC. He's married to Mrs. Vance and invites Carrie to accompany him, his wife, and wife's cousin Ames to a restaurant where he drops a ton of money on fancy grub.

Mr. Hale

Mr. Hale is one of Carrie and Drouet's neighbors in their Chicago apartment. He manages a theater and is married to Mrs. Hale.

Mr. Quincel and Mr. Millice

Mr. Quincel and Mr. Millice are members of the Elks who run the production of "Under the Gaslight" in which Carrie makes her acting debut. 

Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Bramberger

Actors in "Under the Gaslight." Mrs. Morgan is jealous of the attention the director pays to Carrie, and Bramberger is replaced during the actual show.

The Maid

The maid works for Drouet and Carrie in their Chicago apartment. She strikes up a flirtation with Drouet and blabs about Carrie's affair with Hurstwood to him.

The Captain

The Captain is a man who collects money from strangers on the street in order to help homeless people find beds for the night. Hurstwood makes use of his services after becoming homeless.


Hurstwood's alcoholic business partner in New York City.

Dr. Beale

Dr. Beale is a neighbor of the Hurstwoods. He spots Hurstwood out riding with Carrie and inadvertently tips Mrs. Hurstwood off to her affair with Hurstwood.

The Hansons's Baby

The daughter or son (the narrator doesn't mention the baby's sex) of Minnie and Sven.