The Sneetches and Other Stories Trivia

The Sneetches and Other Stories Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Dr. Seuss's books are so popular, they have their own theme park. Almost.

Creating worlds as crazy as Dr. Seuss's can be tiring. So the good Dr. relaxed those strained brain cells with vodka on the rocks. Obviously, he was a man of taste as well as imagination. (Source.)

We all know Dr. Seuss as the author of children's books, but during World War II, he worked as a political cartoonist for PM newspaper. Some of his cartoons show the beginnings of the artistic style Dr. Seuss would become famous for. Others, well… if you want to go on thinking Dr. Seuss is perfect, don't click the link. (Source.)

Theodor Geisel had more than one pen name. He signed a work Dr. Seuss if he both wrote and illustrated the book. If he wrote it but another person did the illustrations, he signed it Theo LeSieg. And for A Little Bug Went Ka-Choo, he and his coauthor choose the pen name Rosetta Stone. (Source.)

Dr. Seuss's lyrical poetry influences thousands of people, especially singers and songwriters. The band The Sneetches named themselves for Seuss's star-bellied tykes. Seuss's Sneetches have also found their way into more song lyrics than any of his other characters. The likes of The Dead Kennedy's, Ben Cooper, and the Flobots have all included references to the Sneetches in their musical wizardry. (Source.)