Solaris Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Note that chapters aren't numbered, so need to be numbered manually, 1 to 14.

Quote #1

I had missed the precious moment when the planet first came into view. (1.15)

Kelvin launches himself into space on an exciting expedition and misses the big moment. The first small anti-climax of the novel. If you missed it when you read, though, worry not—there'll be plenty of others.

Quote #2

A narrow looking-glass, built into the locker door, reflected part of the room, and out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of something moving. I jumped, but it was only my own reflection. (2.4)

The alien thing turns out to just be Kelvin, after all. This is a kind of summary of the whole novel: Kelvin thinks he sees something new and different and ocean-brain shaped, but then it's only him (or his memory of his dead wife). It's hard to explore when your head keeps getting in the way.

Quote #3

[…] they bowed to the unknown, proclaiming the ancient doctrine, arrogantly resurrected, of ignoramus et ignorabimus. (2.36)

Ignoramus et ignorabimus means "we do not know and will not know." Are there limits to human understanding and exploration? Or can we learn everything if we just keep looking? Does exploration lead to knowledge, or just to giant oozing colloids laughing at you?