Solaris Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Note that chapters aren't numbered, so need to be numbered manually, 1 to 14.

Quote #1

This was it, the descent. If I had not seen the figures racing across the dial, I would not have noticed the change in direction. I could hear my heart thudding heavily. I could feel the coolness form the air-conditioning on my neck, although my face seemed to be on fire. (1.12)

Kelvin's first experience of space in the book is of being trapped in himself; he can't tell where he is, or do much except hear his heart thud inside a metal box. Reaching outward just leaves you more trapped inside. Don't say Shmoop didn't warn you.

Quote #2

"Hello, Kelvin!" he croaked. "Well, did you discover anything?"

"Yes… he's not alone."

"Snow grinned sourly.

"Oh, really? Well, that's something. Has he got visitors?" (4.69-72)

Sartorius isn't alone… or is he? Does having visitors mean you're not alone, or more alone? Remember, Sartorius' visitors come out of his head, so it's like talking to your own daydreams. Not very social.

Quote #3

It was not possible to think except with one's brain, no one could stand outside himself in order to check the functioning of his inner processes. (4.95)

You're always in your brain, which means you're always isolated, unable to get away from yourself, or out in front of yourself. You're stuck and alone. Unless maybe you're a psychic space ocean—then all bets are off.