The Soldier Resources


The Poet's Grave

Here's a page that discusses Brooke's death and burial.

The Rupert Brooke Society

This website for the Society includes lots of links and information.

World War I Poetry Archive

Check out the most comprehensive website dedicated to World War I poetry.

WWI Poets

This site discusses the major Great War poets in brief detail.

World War I

This is a great website that discusses many aspects of the… Great War.

Dymock Poets

This website talks briefly about the Dymock poets.

Brooke's Poetry

This page includes links to Brooke's poetry.


"The Soldier," Animated

Honestly, this is a pretty creepy video of Brooke, animated so that it looks like he's reading the poem

Brooke @ Grantchester

This video discusses Brooke's love of nature, grounded in the magnificent meadow of Grantchester, near Cambridge.


Reading, With Effects!

This reading of the poem includes sound effects.

Another Reading

Here's an older man reading, against the backdrop of a few pictures.


Rupert Brooke

Here's a famous picture of a pensive Brooke.

The Handsome Poet

This is a very good picture of Rupert. Dashing!

Brooke, the Soldier

Check out Rupert Brooke in his Royal Navy uniform.

Brooke, the Statue

This statue of Brooke is in Rugby, England.

Brooke's Grave

This is a picture of Brooke's gravestone in Greece.


1914 & Other Poems

Check out Brooke's 1915 collection.