Sonnet 2 Resources


A Video About Henry Wriothesley

Here's a clip from the Kennedy Center about the man who may have been the inspiration for the young man in Sonnet 2. This covers what is known about the link between Shakespeare and this rich young man.

A Famous Actor Reading Sonnet 2

When it comes to old British actors, John Gielgud is one of the best. He definitely knew his way around Shakespeare. Here's his version of the poem, with helpful subtitles.


Another Reading of Sonnet 2
A woman named Francis Jeater reads Sonnet 2. It's really good to hear poetry read out loud. Plus she has a classy British accent!


Picture of Henry Wriothesley

Here's a painting of the young man that some people believe Sonnet 2 was addressed to. You have to check out his hair. Seriously.

Photo of the Title Page of the Sonnets

Here's a picture of the opening pages of the first edition (1609) of the sonnets, complete with the inscription that has caused so much controversy. Who is the mysterious Mr. W.H.?