Sonny's Blues Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You got to hold on to your brother," she said, "and don't let him fall, no matter what it looks like is happening and no matter how evil you gets with him." (104)

The narrator's mother makes him promise to take care of Sonny and tells us something about the unconditional love of family.  She doesn't care how angry the narrator gets with his brother (and she knows he will); all she wants is for him to remember to always keep Sonny within reach.

Quote #5

I'd never played the role of older brother quite so seriously before, had scarcely ever, in fact, asked Sonny a damn thing.  I sensed myself in the presence of something I didn't really know how to handle, didn't understand. (114)

After their parents pass away, the narrator finds himself having to act like a big brother, which scares him.  Even though Sonny is his family, he doesn't understand him and doesn't really know how to be the big brother he should be.  Just because he's older doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.

Quote #6

He came by the house from time to time, but we fought almost every time we met. (173)

Sonny and the narrator love each other, but they just can't get past the huge differences in their lives, their choices, and their ideas about right and wrong.  We can love our family but not always want to be around them, right?