Sonny's Blues Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

When she smiled one saw the little girl, one sensed the doomed, still-struggling woman beneath the battered face of the semi-whore. (26)

Bear with us on this one, but this is almost a hopeful image of suffering.  Underneath this woman's beaten face the narrator can still see a glimmer of the innocent child she once was.  Even her suffering hasn't completely covered that up.

Quote #5

"Tell me," I said at last, "why does he want to die?  He must want to die, he's killing himself, why does he want to die?" (38)

The narrator is making a desperate plea with this unanswerable question.  He can't imagine anyone doing what Sonny has done to himself unless he no longer has the will to live. He just wants to know "why?"  His suffering is as great as Sonny's here.

Quote #6

All at once something inside gave and threatened to come pouring out of me.  I didn't hate him any more. I felt that in another moment I'd start crying like a child. (42)

The narrator is referring to Sonny's old friend, who is also an addict.  His suffering turns to compassion here.  He no longer hates this man who reminds him of his addict brother.  Instead, he can barely contain the grief he feels for him and Sonny.  He wants so badly to just let it out, but he won't.