The Sound and the Fury Sin Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] watching pennies has healed more scars than jesus […] (2.1008)

Hmm. So true, so true. At least, that’s what Quentin’s father thinks. Sending him to college is supposed to be a way to get him in touch with reality. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work.

Quote #8

In the South you are ashamed of being a virgin. Boys. Men. They lie about it. (2.13)

Everyone seems to have a clear understanding of the South and its sexual mores except for Quentin. Here, Northerners explain to Quentin his own culture.

Quote #9

I thought that Benjamin was punishment enough for any sins I have committed I thought he was my punishment for putting aside my pride and marrying a man who held himself above me I dont complain I loved him above all of them because of it because my duty […] (2.154)

Hmm. So your children are your punishment. Mrs. Compson’s screwed-up sense of divine retribution allows her to skip out on actually involving herself in her children’s lives.