Speak Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

His room is cool central. He keeps the radio on. We are allowed to eat as long as we work. He bounced a couple of slackers who confused freedom with no rules, so the rest of us don't make waves. It's too fun to give up. (36.2)

We here at Shmoop are outraged at these shenanigans. OK, seriously, we don't see why people can't be comfy while they learn.

Quote #5

"How do you know what he meant to say. I mean, did he leave another book called 'Symbolism in My Books'? If he didn't then you could just be making all of this up." (49.11)

This is Rachel talking, but Laurie Halse Anderson also made these arguments about Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlett Letter, the book Rachel is talking about. Check out "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" section for more.

Quote #6

"I don't know where you picked up that slacker attitude, but you certainly didn't learn it at home. Probably from the bad influences up here. (55.22)

You don't know the half of it, Dad. But that's part of the problem isn't it? Dad is at least on the right track, but he doesn't know where to turn for answers, or how to get Melinda to talk to him. Maybe he's even afraid to learn the truth.