Speak Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We have your location. Officers are on the way? Are you hurt? Are you being threatened" Someone grabbed the phone from my hands and listened. A scream – the cops were coming. […] Rachel's face so angry in mine. Someone slapped me. (64.18)

Melinda tries to report the rape, but the drunken, angry partiers stop her. It's horrible that nobody recognizes her distress, not even Rachel. She would have showed physical signs of Andy's attack for sure.

Quote #8

Was I raped? (76.3)

Whoa. It kinds of shocks us to hear Melinda ask the question. This is after Melinda dares to remember the details of that night. We didn't realize how much she blames herself for what happened.

Quote #9

Sally Jessy: "I want this boy held responsible. He is to blame for this attack. You do know it was an attack, don't you? It was not your fault." (76.5)

Luckily, Melinda has talk show hosts to help clear up her questions. Do you think daytime talk shows are helpful?