Lies and Deceit Quotes in Speaker for the Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Ender smiled. His translation was strictly true, but he had the sense not to get into specifics. It was conceivable that the wives might actually want the little mothers to survive childbirth, without realizing how vast the consequences of such a simple-seeming, humanitarian change might be. (17.192)

The males deceive the wives—and for once Ender is okay with the deception. He just finished telling Ela and Ouanda that changing childbirth has to be up to the piggies, but then, all of a sudden, he's okay with it being up to the male piggies, while the female piggies—who are the ones most affected—are cut out. Is it okay to lie to them because they're female? Because they're stupid? (They don't seem stupid otherwise.) Because Ender happens to agree with the males? Because birth control is bad? It's just not clear what the logic is here.