Spider-Man Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Spider-Man.

Quote #1

HARRY: Can we drive around the corner, please?

NORMAN: Why? The entrance is right there.

HARRY: Dad, these are public school kids. I'm not showing up for the field trip in a Rolls.

Harry is at that age where he desperately wants to fit in, and it's hard to fit in when you roll up to a class field trip in a $300,000 chauffeured car.

Quote #2

FLASH'S CRONY: Jesus, Parker, you are a freak.

Peter's glee turns to confusion and concern.

HARRY: Peter, that was amazing!

After Peter uses his spidey skills to beat up and humiliate Flash, he's stoked. Then he realizes how thoroughly weird it was for everybody watching. Well, everybody but Harry. Peter is a freak if he does and a freak if he doesn't.

Quote #3

PETER: Quit worrying about me, okay? Something's different. I'll figure it out. Stop lecturing me, please.

UNCLE BEN: I don't mean to lecture, and I don't mean to preach. And I know I'm not your father.

PETER: Then stop pretending to be!

When Uncle Ben tries to empathize with Peter and dole out some useful advice, Peter is in full-blown teen angst mode. Instead of listening to Uncle Ben, Peter explodes on him. That "stop pretending to be my dad" part? A brutally low blow.