Spring in Fialta Resources


Vladimir Nabokov

A classic photo of the man himself

If Nina were real…

She might look like this.


"Spring in Fialta," in the original Russian.


Chekhov’s "Lady with Lapdog"

This is the short story which many scholars claim "Spring in Fialta" echoes (See "Shout-Outs" for details)


Nabokov’s 1964 Interview with Playboy

Also, be very careful before you go searching for "Nabokov" and "Playboy" in the same sentence. The man wrote Lolita, after all. (We learned this the hard way. And if we were Nabokov, we would make a pun on that.)

Nabokov’s 1967 Interview with The Paris Review

You might like this one, especially the part where he calls Ezra Pound a pretentious hack.