Stairway to Heaven Albums

Led Zeppelin IV (1971, remastered 1994)

One of the best, if not the best, of Led Zeppelin's albums, IV features "Black Dog" which, with its hard rock wailing and guitar playing, forever changed the face of rock n' roll in addition to "Rock n Roll," "When the Levee Breaks," "Misty Mountain Hop," and, of course, "Stairway to Heaven."

Physical Graffiti (1975, remastered 1994)

Physical Graffiti finds the band moving away from their blues-rock roots and into the orchestra pit. If self-indulgent grandeur is a common trend among successful musical acts--and it is--Physical Graffiti represents one of the best forays into the grandiose world where a tuba finds its way into a rock song. The sad thing is it really works. It really does work.

Led Zeppelin I (1960, remastered 1994)

Have you ever wondered when the phrase "let the Led out" was first uttered? Chances are it was right after this album's release. Led Zeppelin I is one of the best debut albums in rock history--no filler, just great music. The album is the collision of American blues-rock and British Invasion pop, to a frighteningly good effect.

Mothership (2007)

A compilation album of songs selected by former members Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, and Jimmy Page. Includes a DVD of live footage.

Led Zeppelin on iTunes

All of their releases in one spot. Plus...ringtones!