Stairway to Heaven Books

Stairway to Heaven (2004)

Photographer Neil Preston's insider shots of Led Zeppelin displayed in an interesting, though flawed book that is at the very least sold at a reasonable price.

Stairway to Heaven (2007)

Richard Cole, the "tour manager and maestro" of Led Zeppelin for 12 years, will take you through the experiences, accomplishments, and underworld of the "archetypal progenitors of all head-bangers" like few else are qualified to do.

Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin: The Illustrated History of the Heaviest Band of All Time (2008)

This is the must have. A saturated blast of photography, concert posters, and ads is married with retrospective commentary by rock's Joe Perry, Peter Frampton, and Ray Davies among others. Chances are you have only ever heard about what it's like to see Led Zeppelin live (probably from your dad), but this book gets you as close to seeing them live as you'll probably ever be.

In the Houses of the Holy: Led Zeppelin and the Power of Rock Music (2001)

Susan Fast gives us the musicologist's perspective on a handful of Zeppelin songs with an incredible eye to detail. This book is less for the casual music lover and more for those with some theory background.