
The cool kids might be all about Star Wars these days, but Star Trek's fans can consider themselves true OGs.

After all, Star Trek fans were around before Star Wars: A New Hope was even released. Although the original Star Trek series was a flop when it first aired in 1966 and was canceled after three seasons, the show exploded in popularity after it went into syndication. Most notably, the series inspired a group of diehard fans who called themselves "Trekkies."

Trekkies are unparalleled in their devotion. They held the first Star Trek convention back in 1972, well before Comic-Con even existed. In addition, these fans were largely responsible for getting the movie series made in the first place, as they had mounted an intense letter-writing campaign that inspired Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Relative to other Star Trek films, The Voyage Home ranks high on most Trekkies' personal lists. It might not have the wonderful melodrama of The Wrath of Khan or the intense psychological horror of Star Trek: First Contact, but it allows fans to see their favorite Starfleet crew walk aroundthe Trekkies' world. It's like a dream come true.

Plus, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is an even-numbered Star Trek film, and everybody knows that even-numbered Star Trek films are destined to be good. That's a fact. You'd have a better chance convincing a Ferengi to donate his gold-pressed latinum to charity than making a bad even-numbered Star Trek movie.