Production Design

Production Design

Sci-Fi Lite

The production style of The Voyage Home isn't revolutionary, but it's a unique choice for a science-fiction adventure.

What's unusual is how simple it is. After the crew of Enterprise travels to the past, we're treated to a lot of long, lingering shots, many of which are extremely naturalistic. This is a far cry from the traditional Star Trek style, which has even been known to include a Dutch angle or two. Instead of going epic, The Voyage Home keeps things grounded.

Of course, there's still plenty of special effects and technical wizardry. That's par for the course, as Star Trek goes. To us, however, it's more interesting to think about how The Voyage Home differs from its predecessors. Not only does it help us see a long-running cast of characters in different lights, but it also shows that Star Trek, far from being a one-note series, has an incredible amount of range.