What's Up With the Title?

What's Up With the Title?

The Voyage Home has a fun double meaning that enriches our understanding of the film.

On the one hand, this title is as straightforward as can be. After being stranded on Vulcan for months, the crew of Enterprise is finally undertaking the journey back home to Earth. That's easy enough, right?

On the other hand, the title refers to time travel. Think about it like this: for the original audience of the movie, America circa 1986 was home. In this way, the title shows how the crew of Enterprise are gonna break the fourth wall and visit us here, where we live, rather than head off to some far-flung alien galaxy.

Although, as we find out, Earth in 1986 is so weird and barbaric to the crew of Enterprise that it might as well be a planet in some far-flung alien galaxy.