
Big Fans

Star Wars has a lot of fans. As a result, there are a number of famous people occupying hard-to-spot support roles in the film. Unkar Plutt, for example, is played by British actor Simon Pegg, of Shaun of the Dead fame. And the stormtrooper whom Rey mind tricks into releasing her bonds? That's Daniel Craig, fresh from his final stint as James Bond and ready to give the Bad Guy pants a try. (Source)

The Wipe

Notice that weird bar moving across the screen sometimes when the movie shifts from one scene to another? That's called a wipe. It's also one of the things that makes Star Wars Star Wars. George Lucas was a huge fan of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, who loved using wipes in his epic samurai stories. Lucas used it as a nod to the master, and it's become a tradition for the movies. (Source