Storm on the Island The Home Quotes

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Quote #4

But there are no trees, no natural shelter. (11)

Because the land offers no natural shelter, it's all the more important that residents build strong houses. They sure don't get a lot of help from their surroundings, but these people seem pretty self-sufficient. Heaney really takes the time to remind us what isn't there. What's remarkable about that is that these people still consider this place home. That's a testament to the strength of their attachment to the place. Even though it gets totally gnarly storms and there's nothing out there for protection or company, they still stick it out.

Quote #5

[…] We just sit tight while wind dives (16)

Again, it's not super-fun to sit around helplessly during a storm, but because they did such a good job building their houses, they can feel somewhat protected. You get the sense that this isn't their first rodeo. Maybe past experiences with storms have taught them that preparing ahead of time and riding it out is the best way to go. And maybe, just maybe, these harrowing experiences make them all the more connected to their homes.