Stormbreaker Chapter 3 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Royal & General

  • Crawley calls Alex up the next day, asking him to come by the office to see some of his uncle's paperwork; Alex can't help but hear something "faintly threatening" in his voice (3.5).
  • Despite his reservations, Alex goes to the Royal and General office. As he goes up the elevator, he's being watched by Mr. Blunt, an odd-looking woman, and the man whom Alex kicked in the stomach the previous night. This is looking pretty ominous…
  • Crawley leads Alex to his office. Alex notices that his uncle's office is right next to Crawley's, but Crawley claims that the door is locked.
  • Crawley sits down, offers Alex a drink, and then promptly leaves the room after the phone rings.
  • As soon as he leaves, Alex checks on Ian's old door and finds that it is, indeed, locked. Luckily, though, Alex has another plan—he's going through the window.
  • He climbs out on the ledge and jumps for a flagpole between the two rooms. He barely grabs hold and manages to pull himself up.
  • Alex climbs into Ian's office, which looks like a "carbon copy" (3.54) of Crawley's; he's a bit surprised to see pictures of himself on his uncle's desk.
  • He looks through his uncle's filing cabinet and finds a section labeled "Stormbreaker" (3.56). Before he can investigate any further, though, two men barge in—it's Crawley and the man from the junkyard.
  • Before Alex can move, the man pulls out a gun and shoots him. Although it's not a bullet, Alex is hit by something and falls unconscious.