The Story of Oedipus Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Oedipus: Star of Stage and Screen

This version of Oedipus Rex taped for television won a Primetime Emmy. So, yay for it.

All Star Cast

This movie stars Christopher Plummer (Captain Von Trapp from The Sound of Music) as Oedipus, Orson Welles as Teiresias, and Donald Sutherland as the leader of the Chorus.

Historical Documents

Oedipus el Rey by Luis Alfaro

This modern Chicano riff on the Oedipus story is set in an LA barrio.

These Seven Sicknesses by Sean Graney

Oedipus kicks off this modernized marathon of all of Sophocles' extant plays.


Veggie Oedipus. Veggiepus Rex.

This awesome version of the story is performed by veggies. Did we mention it's awesome? Oh, yeah, we did.

Cartoon Oedipus
Masked Oedipus

You can watch a complete performance of Oedipus the King with the actors wearing masks like they did back in ancient Greece.


I am Oedipus. Hear Me Roar.

Follow the link to listen to the tragedy of tragedies, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles.

More Roaring

Just in case you didn't get enough Greek tragedy with the last link, follow this link to listen to Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus.


Lots of Tragedy
Bulfinch: Man of Legend

You've got to check out our buddy Bulfinch's version of the story along with like every other myth ever.