Strange Meeting Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned, (4)

Who groans in their sleep? These guys are not particularly Zen sleepers. They're clearly troubled by something, and if we had to guess we'd say they're haunted by the horrors they experienced in war. Nightmares galore.

Quote #2

With piteous recognition in fixed eyes,
Lifting distressful hands as if to bless. (7-8)

Speaker number two is not giving off a particularly chillaxed vibe. He looks stressed-out and frightened, enough to completely freak out speaker number one. The fear mixed with recognition is particularly disturbing. How would you like if you saw someone walking down the street with a terror-stricken expression, then he turned to you and looked all, "wait, don't I know you?" That he's lifting his hands "as if to bless" is strange, too. It almost seems as if he's lifting his hands in defense, too, from some invisible threat.

Quote #3

With a thousand fears that vision's face was grained; (11)

Speaker number two looks as thought he's being troubled by a "thousand fears." That can't be a very flattering look. It's almost inhuman. Maybe he's being haunted all at once by every single fear he experienced during battle. No fun.