Stranger in a Strange Land Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Anybody can see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl she used to be. A great artist can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is…" (30.47)

Jubal discusses the transformative power of art. Art borrows from real life and then transforms it into something different yet recognizable. (Yeah, Jubal's deep.) Wonder at what level Jubal would consider Mike's message to be?

Quote #8

"The truth can't be stated in English any more than Beethoven's Fifth can be." (31.177)

If the truth can't be stated in English, then the disciples of the Church of All Worlds must learn to think in Martian. But, as we saw in the "Language and Communication" theme section, to think in a language is to change your "map" of the world. That means that access to the truth is only available to those who transform themselves in order to receive it.

Quote #9

"But consider any occupation. How can a teacher handle a child who knows more than she does? What becomes of physicians when people are healthy? What happens to the cloak and suit industry when clothing isn't necessary […] Just name it; the discipline changes it beyond recognition." (35.242)

Sam considers how the transformation of the individual creates a domino effect that alters society as a whole. The trick is to get enough people to transform with you. Whereas Sam believes the Church of All Worlds is off to a good start, Mike doesn't think so until he talks with Jubal.