Street Fighting Man Albums

The Rolling Stones (1964)

The band’s first album and a clear reflection of the Stones’ R&B convictions. Includes songs by a catalog of who’s who in American blues and R&B history—Willie Dixon, Jimmy Reed, Bo Diddley, Slim Harper, Chuck Berry, and Rufus Thomas.

Aftermath (1966)

The Stones’ first album that contained all original songs, including the hit singles “Paint it Black” and the classic “Under My Thumb.” It's something of a crossroads album: the band’s R&B/Blues roots are still evident, but there’s an indication of the psychedelia to come in 1967 with Their Satanic Majesties Request.

Beggars Banquet (1968)

After a misstep with Their Satanic Majesties Request, the Stones rediscover themselves with what some consider to be their best album. Includes "Street Fighting Man" and “Sympathy for the Devil." "Jumpin' Jack Flash" was pulled from the album and released as a single. This was the last album on which Brian Jones contributed significantly.

Let it Bleed (1969)

The Stones close a tumultuous year (Brian Jones’ death, the chaotic Altamont concert) with this December release. A characteristically smart-alec response to the Beatles' Let it Be, the album includes “Gimme Shelter," "Midnight Rambler," and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.”

Exile on Main Street (1972)

Rolling Stone magazine considers it the Stones’ best album and the seventh greatest album of all time. Rock, blues, country, boogie, and even calypso find a place in this wide-ranging double album. The album draws its name from the Stones’ flight to the south of France after they were unable to pay their taxes in England. Sort of a lame exile, but a great album.