Street Fighting Man Books

Stanley Booth, The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones (2000)

This book traces the band from its beginnings, but the real center of this book is 1969, when rock journalist Booth traveled with the Stones on their tour. That pivotal year, which included both Brian Jones’ death and the disastrously violent Altamont Speedway Free Festival concert, gets the star treatment in this volume. Although the book may focus on a later period than some readers would like, it is far and away the best book on the Stones.

Robert Greenfield, S.T.P.: A Journey Through America With The Rolling Stones (2002)

First published almost thirty years ago, this book chronicles the Stones on their first American tour after the epic events at Altamont. Effectively chronicles both the over-the-top excess of the high-flying Stones as well as the tedium of touring.