Sula Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Year.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Their friendship was as intense as it was sudden. They found relief in each other's personality (1922.10).

The girls see in each other what they don't think they have in themselves. Perhaps there is a way that they complete each other.

Quote #5

Sula lifted her head and joined Nel in the grass play. In concert, without ever meeting each other's eyes, they stroked the blades up and down, up and down (1922.40).

Sula and Nel have become one mind. Their connection is far deeper than just being girlhood friends.

Quote #6

Sula was no less excited about the wedding (1927.12).

This shows Sula's complete lack of competition with Nel. She's excited to be part of Nel's wedding to Jude, and she in no way begrudges her friend the happiness she seems to have on this day.