Surrender Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He was separating me from her without saying a word. I shivered in his angry shadow, chewed my nails till they bled. At night I thought of Surrender running beneath the moon, of the heat of the chase, the smell of the fear, the violent pleasure of the kill. When I slept I dreamed of Vernon, heard the soft thumping of fists. (17.15)

It's clear Finnigan has a big influence over Gabriel, whether Gabriel wants him to or not. We see that his influence comes in the form of nail biting and sleepless nights—since Finnigan is inside Gabriel's head, he can infect Gabriel the most.

Quote #8

It had burbled and snuffled in a way that seemed friendly: suddenly it became angular and jarred. Two or three voices fluttered up, like sparrows fleeing a dogfight; the music skidded to a halt. Evangeline looked toward the door; fear splashed like lava in me. (19.57)

When he's warning Evangeline, he tells her he's worried about what Finnigan might do. And this is the truth. But check out how he's scared… of himself. His fear is boiling up inside of him, already ready to cascade over the edge unless someone does something.

Quote #9

"I'd never known such terror, my heart never beat so hard. And when I saw it was my mother, not you—it was a relief. I was more afraid of you than of her. And I hadn't thought it was possible, Finnigan, to fear someone more than I feared her. It was, though—it was you. After that I started to wonder what good you are, if any." (21.12)

As Gabriel explains why he wants to kill Finnigan, we start to understand what he's been experiencing all these years. Maybe he really does want to save everyone from Finnigan, but it's also pretty clear that Gabriel wants to save himself from having to live in fear any longer.