Surrender Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Some things about him are the same as ever. He still looks painfully angelic. His lips still have a sore, swollen look to them, as if they've been hit with a bottle. (16.10)

Even on his deathbed, Gabriel manages to look angelic. It's important for us to know how Finnigan sees Gabriel, and we learn that he views his buddy as an angel—even after all these years. Why do you think we get this description here?

Quote #8

I feel no regret. Why would I? Angels are remorseless. We have one-track minds. (21.3)

Here's the thing: Gabriel isn't just an angel. He's also the devil. So while he might claim he has a one-track mind, we know it's much more complicated than that. He doesn't just think about peace and love and sunshine; he also has a dark side that he rarely allows people to see.

Quote #9

"You always underestimated me. You thought you made me harmless when you gave angelhood to me. You forgot that some angels are warriors. Where there's warriors, there's war. I will fight to the death. It's my duty. I am not afraid." (21.13)

The stand off between Gabriel and Finnigan shows us the ultimate battle between good and evil. Finnigan thinks Gabriel is a weakling, but Gabriel has more strength than his buddy gives him credit for. So the only question is: Does good or evil win?