Surrender Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He looks the same as he always did. As if he can bend the world to his will. It's not like seeing an old friend; nor is it like encountering an enemy. His year of absence slips away—it's as if I saw him yesterday. He's brought to the room his unforgotten smell. My blood feels warmer with recognition. (17.1)

Finnigan's always been one of those guys who gets what he wants. It doesn't matter who he's up against, Finnigan comes out on top. Why? He's scary, for one, but it's also because he's not afraid to take revenge for stuff he feels he deserves, whereas others are.

Quote #8

He stares at me with his knife blade eyes, his breath rasping and wheezing. He's realizing I'll have no mercy, that I'm here in deadly earnest—it's dawning on him that I won't back down or away. I want what I want: he has to agree. If I don't get it, I'll be angry. He sees this, and I see his jaw tighten, digging his stubbornness in. (18.5)

This description comes to us from Finnigan, who tells us what it's like for him to take revenge on someone. We're used to hearing about what happens from Gabriel's perspective, but here, we get to see what it's like in the moment from Finnigan. How does this differ from what Gabriel tell us?

Quote #9

You need to go before he gets here. You have to hide. You have to go somewhere and not come back. Don't tell me where you're going—he'll sense that I know. He's angry. He wants revenge. So he's coming here to find you. To punish me. (19.42)

He tells Evangeline to scram before it's too late… so now Gabriel's the one who has done something punishable in Finnigan's eyes. We can't help but wonder what would happen if Evangeline didn't leave town. What would Finnigan have done to her?