Tao Te Ching Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish (60.1)

Okay, we had to throw this one in there. How fun is this quote? It might seem pretty random if you've never tried to cook a small fish. The key things to know is that it takes just the right level of heat, and you have to be careful how much you poke it with that spatula or else it might fall apart. So to rule a large country you need be patient, humble, and not too extreme in anything you do. Also, you should eat fish because it's good for you. And delicious.

Quote #8

Therefore, using cleverness to govern the state
Is being a thief of the state
Not using cleverness to govern the state
Is being a blessing of the state (65.6-9)

We doubt this quote is suggesting that our rulers ought to be stupid, although it does sort of sound like that. Instead, it seems like yet another warning about using a bunch of manipulative tactics. If you do, your government will eventually fall like a house of cards. That's the second House of Cards reference for this theme. Can you tell what we've been binge-watching?

Quote #9

The people's hunger
Is due to the excess of their ruler's taxation
So they starve (75.1-3)

Some questions to consider about taxes: 1) At what point are they an example of the government overexerting its power? 2) At what point are they the right thing to do for the good of the people? The Democrats and Republicans have been duking it out for years over this one. Where do you fall?