Tao Te Ching Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

The violent one cannot have a natural death (42.15)

We can't help but notice how similar this is to the Christian saying "For all who take hold of the sword will die by the sword" (Matthew: 26:52). These parallels between Christianity and Taoism just keep happening.

Quote #8

Govern a country with upright integrity
Deploy the military with surprise tactics (57.1-2)

For one, this quote is definitely evidence that the TTC admits that war is sometimes necessary. If it's giving advice on how to fight, that has to be true, right? Secondly, does anybody think there might be a contradiction in the idea that a ruler should rule honestly, but fight sneakily?

Quote #9

When people have many sharp weapons
The country becomes more chaotic (57.8-9)

So this quote argues that when the people of a country have a lot of weapons, then the whole country ends up being more violent and chaotic. Tell this to somebody in the NRA, and you'll hear a whole other argument about how guns make everything more peaceful. Which side do you think is right?