Teddy Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In no sense – no mechanical sense, at any rate – did the words and sentences look as though they had been written by a child. (4.3)

Though Teddy still looks like a child, the author drops us a few physical hints – like this one – to remind us that he is not a normal ten-year-old.

Quote #8

Ask him not to send me any more poetry books. I already have enough for 1 year anyway. I am quite sick of it anyway. A man walks along the beach and unfortunately gets hit in the head by a cocoanut. His head unfortunately cracks open in two halves. (4.8)

Teddy does repeat words in the way that little kids do – check out "anyway" and "unfortunately" in this passage. His character is an interesting mix of adult- and kid-like qualities.