Thanatos's Clique: Winged Wonders

Thanatos's Clique: Winged Wonders

This group likes to do nothing better than soar the friendly skies. You can catch them winging their way from class to class, and after school their feet barely touch the ground.

The wings give Thanatos a softer touch, don't you think?


Iris, the goddess of rainbows, is one of the most popular members of this clique. Everybody loves watching her fly through the air on her golden wings, bringing rainbows wherever she goes. Iris's wings were also super useful to her in her job as messenger of the gods.

The Harpies

These bird ladies have disgusting warty faces, matted hair, and dirty stinking feathers. Their favorite thing to do is snatch food off of people's tables and then poop on the leftover crumbs. We are not making this up.

The Boreads

Calais and Zetes are the winged sons of Boreas, the North Wind. They became famous when they set sail with Jason and the Argonauts on the quest for the Golden Fleece. The Boreads became the Harpies' worst nightmare when they chased the bird-ladies away from King Phineus who they tormented every day at the orders of Zeus.


Here he is: the most popular Winged Wonder of them all. Pegasus, the snowy white flying horse, was the son (or colt?) of Medusa and Poseidon. He became the steed of the hero Bellerophon and helped the hero kill the Chimera. Later on, Bellerophon got too big for his britches and tried to ride Pegasus up to Mt. Olympus. For this infraction, Zeus sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus, making the flying horse inadvertently buck Bellerophon to his death on the rocks below. Afterward, Pegasus became the bearer of Zeus's thunderbolts and eventually became a constellation.

Daedalus and Icarus

Daedalus, the famous inventor, was one of the first humans ever to fly the friendly skies. He escaped from imprisonment on Crete by flapping away on wings he made out of wax and feathers. This worked out great for him, but not so great for his son, Icarus, who flew off with him. Despite his dad's warnings, Icarus soared too close to the sun, which melted the wax in his wings and caused him to fall to his death in the sea. Oops.


Nemesis is the dark winged goddess of vengeance and retribution. She's not happy unless she's soaring toward some criminal who needs to be put in their place.

The Erinyes (the Furies)

The Erinyes are a whole lot like Nemesis. When a crime needs punishing, the Erinyes flap their wings and are on the case in two shakes of their own tail feathers.


These sexy ladies are often confused with mermaids, but they're actually half bird instead of fish. They're kind of like the Harpies, but not as disgusting. The Sirens are most famous for their gorgeous, mesmerizing songs. We don't recommend downloading any of their tracks anytime soon, though. Their songs may be beautiful, but they also hypnotize sailors, luring them to their deaths on jagged rocks.

Eros (Cupid)

Come Valentine's Day, you see this little winged guy everywhere. Eros, the Greek god of desire, is the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He spends most of his time fluttering around and causing trouble with his love-inducing golden arrows.


However you pronounce his name, Hraesvelg is an eagle from Norse mythology, who hangs out on ice mountains and flaps his wings to send super cold winds.


Ashur is an Assyrian god of war, who has four wings and the head of an eagle. He started out as a puny god of the city of Assur, but gained in popularity until he became one of the big deal gods of all Assyria. So, yeah, his OkCupid gets mad hits.


This Indian deity is a god of the sun and has the head and claws of an eagle. The main thing to know about him is that he hates snakes. Like, hates them.