That Evening Sun Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"She says he is there. She says she knows he is there tonight." "Yet we pay taxes," mother said. "I must wait here alone in this big house while you take a Negro woman home." (3.14-15)

Mr. Jason tells his wife that Nancy believes the dangerous Jesus is waiting for her. Mother, in her response, insinuates that the mother of a tax-paying white family deserves protection more than a black woman.

Quote #8

"Let's go down to my house and have some more fun," Nancy said. (3.24)

Nancy said earlier that no "n*****" would be able to stop the dangerous Jesus. Here she seems to believe that the mere presence of white children with her at her house will protect her from him.

Quote #9

"Hush," Nancy said. She was talking loud when we crossed the ditch and stooped through the fence where she used to stoop through with the clothes on her head. Then we came to her house. (3.49)

This passage marks the spot where the white children and Nancy pass from the white part of Jefferson to Nancy's black area. After this moment, the children and Nancy struggle for control of the night until Mr. Jason shows up.