The Alchemist The Alchemist Quotes

The Alchemist

Quote 4

"If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return." (2.467)

Okay, Mr. Alchemist, you´re getting pretty abstract with your yakkity-yak. Let´s unpack this code. The alchemist is using alchemy as a metaphor for love; if Santiago has found true love or pure matter, it will last forever, even as he goes out on his quests for treasure. But if it's just a crush or a flirtation—a moment of light—then there was no substance there in the first place and it won't last.

The boy was shaking with fear, but the alchemist helped him out of the tent.

"Don't let them see that you're afraid," the alchemist said. "They are brave men, and they despise cowards." (2.592)

Poor Santiago is constantly being threatened with death, and the alchemist wants him to just suck it up. Great. Real helpful, alchemist. Okay, okay, it's actually good advice—but it's even harder for Santiago to face death now, since he has Fatima to live for.

The Alchemist

Quote 6

"You dream about your sheep and the Pyramids, but you're different from me, because you want to realize your dreams. I just want to dream about Mecca." (2.28)

You might have a friend like the crystal merchant: someone who spends his life talking about doing something, like starting a rock band or sailing to Cuba. You may even be this person. Well, The Alchemist is here to tell you to follow your dreams, no matter how wacky. (And Shmoop is here to tell you that your chances of making it big as a rock band are about as good as our chances of making the NBA. And we're pretty short.)