The Alchemist Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Why a revolver?" he asked.

"It helped me to trust in people," the Englishman answered. (2.229-30)

Lolwut? No, hear us out. See, the Englishman never had to use his revolver in the desert, but he still has to take it out and give it up when he reaches the safety of the oasis. This statement suggests that he's not naturally trusting. He has to bolster his own strength in order to trust that he could protect himself from other people. Someone like the alchemist, though, only needs himself.

Quote #5

Although the vision of the date palms would someday be just a memory, right now it signified shade, water, and a refuge from the war. (2.214)

Santiago is learning about living in the present, but he still can't help project into the future, when his first sighting of the oasis will be converted into a memory. Let's try crossing that bridge when we come to it, okay bro?

Quote #6

"I have crossed the desert in search of a treasure that is somewhere near the Pyramids, and for me, the war seemed a curse. But now it's a blessing, because it brought me to you." (2.278)

Talk about putting things in perspective. Santiago realizes that sometimes the worst inconveniences and dangers, like stubbing your toe or getting caught up in a foreign war, can have pretty spectacular consequences—like missing the bus that would have crashed, or meeting the woman of your dreams.