The American Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It had been endued with a layer of varnish an inch thick, and its frame, an elaborate pattern, was at least a foot wide. (4.3)

Newman is totally enamored with the pattern of—yes, ladies and gents—the picture frame. But this frame ain't just a frame: Newman's admiration shows that he's just as interested in what surrounds content as he is in content. Newman has good taste…but he's still more than a tad superficial.

Quote #5

She is very pretty, certainly. Alas, yes, she is pretty! (4.10)

Appearances can be dangerous, especially in the cutthroat high-society world of Paris. A pretty woman = a woman in high demand, and Newman doesn't know if he can make the cut when it comes to seducing a hottie like Claire.

Quote #6

"She is dangerous to beauty, when beauty hasn't the soul." (4.11)

According to M. Nioche, Paris chews up beauties and spits them out. Totally merciless. But as we see in the character of Mrs. Tristram, soul without beauty has a longer shelf life than beauty without soul.