The American Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We are using dreadful words, sir, but I don't care." (22.41)

Betrayal comes in many forms. Weirdly enough, Mrs. Bread is most worried about gossiping behind her employers' back, not potentially blackmailing them. Hey: the propriety of 19th Century Europe was a walled garden. And no one knew that better than Henry James.

Quote #8

It must be added, too, that he was at a loss to see exactly how he could arrange to witness the operation of his thunder. (23.1)

The business of betrayal doesn't come naturally to Newman. He's kind of a limp noodle…if limp noodles also had a seriously ferocious sense of ambition.

Quote #9

"Half an hour hence Madame de Bellegarde will regret that she didn't learn exactly what I mean." (24.27)

Newman has to make any threat of betrayal seem convincing enough that the Bellegardes listen to him. That's not an easy task, since the Bellegardes are intimidated like a fox.