The American Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I made a fool of myself before all of their friends, but I shall make something worse of them. (22.27)

Newman's not just mad about being dumped. He's mad about being humiliated by the French elite.

Quote #5

"And what is your grudge?" (22.39).

It's rare that two characters are united in wanting revenge against the same party. But this sentence reverberates throughout the end of the novel—what is Newman's grudge, exactly? Why is he seeking such intense revenge? Is it a matter of a broken heart, or a matter of a broken dream?

Quote #6

"My grudge has faded, too; the red has all gone out of it; but it lies here yet." (22.9)

Mrs. Bread doesn't have a strong drive for revenge. She's been sitting on incriminating evidence for years, and that time has drained the blood from her vengeance plot.