The Autobiography of Malcolm X Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

Based on what I had heard of him, I had to believe him when he told me that as long as he was on the African continent, he never thought in terms of race, that he dealt with human beings, never noticing their color. He said he was more aware of language differences than of color differences. He said that only when he returned to America would he become aware of color differences. I told him, "What you are telling me is that it isn't the American white man who is a racist, but it's the American political, economic, and social atmosphere that automatically nourishes a racist psychology in the white man." He agreed. (19.43)

What is it about being in the United States that you think causes Malcolm's friend to suddenly be hyperaware of race? Why is it different from other countries? How do Americans construct and signify race?